I come to a red light, tempted to go through it, then stop once I see a billboard sign that I donโt remember seeing and I look up at it. All it says is 'Disappear Here' and even though itโs probably an ad for some resort, it still freaks me out a little and I step on the gas really hard and the car screeches as I leave the light.
Bret Easton EllisBaby, when you were young and your heart was an open book, you used to say live and let live. You know you did, you know you did, you know you did.
Bret Easton EllisWith "Taipei" Tao Lin becomes the most interesting prose stylist of his generation...
Bret Easton EllisI'm on the verge of tears by the time we arrive at Pastels since I'm positive we won't get seated but the table is good, and relief that is almost tidal in scope washes over me in an awesome wave.
Bret Easton EllisI think in life, there are certain choices you make that are timeless and universal, and don't necessarily have anything to do with the particulars of a certain decade.
Bret Easton EllisHello, Halberstam," Owen says, walking by. Hello, Owen," I say, admiring the way he's styled and slicked back his hair, with a part so even and sharp it... devastates me and I make a mental note to ask him where he purchases his hair-care products, which kind of mousse he uses, my final guesses after mulling over the possibilities being Ten-X.
Bret Easton Ellis