I keep feeling that people are becoming less human and more animalistic. They seem to think less and feel less so that everyone is operating on a very primitive level. I wonder what you and I will see in our lifetimes. It seems so hopeless yet we must keep on trying ... I guess we can't escape being a product of the times, can we?
Bret Easton EllisYou really write the books you want to write. You can't take into consideration anything that anybody has said about you in the past, or what they'll say about you in the future.
Bret Easton EllisThere’s no use in denying it: this has been a bad week. I’ve started drinking my own urine.
Bret Easton EllisIt's like my characters, all my men are Dad and me in a mess; all my female characters are smart and hopeful, like Mom just trying to make the best of things.
Bret Easton EllisHello, Halberstam," Owen says, walking by. Hello, Owen," I say, admiring the way he's styled and slicked back his hair, with a part so even and sharp it... devastates me and I make a mental note to ask him where he purchases his hair-care products, which kind of mousse he uses, my final guesses after mulling over the possibilities being Ten-X.
Bret Easton Ellis