You kind of invite a little spooky, creepy vibe into your whole experience of making a movie.
Bruce GreenwoodIt's just like any relationship, the more contained the environment, the more the good stuff appears and the more the bad stuff will reveal itself.
Bruce GreenwoodI think love courses through all of us, and we can express it to one person all the time, or we can express it to everybody in our world, in our immediate world, in our extended family and all that and to strangers. I think as a concept. I don't mean you and me later.
Bruce GreenwoodGarry Shandling was an actor's actor. He really cares about the performance. It was really interesting to watch him talk about motives and motivation and stuff. He really knows the craft.
Bruce GreenwoodWe improv-ed scenes that didn't happen in the movie. We improv-ed the scenes that are written in the movie without the dialogue as written. We played around a lot to try and figure out just how we could flow with what was already written in the story and how we could highlight those imbalances and those points at which we came to loggerheads.
Bruce Greenwood