The clearer that division [of social media] is between it not being a reflection of reality, and being a complete make-believe world, the more we're helping ourselves.
Bryce Dallas HowardBut, working with directors whose history is in performance, I feel like there's a different kind of focus, as opposed to directors who are more prone to being really technically proficient or visual. I feel like there are two schools of both, and a director needs to have both.
Bryce Dallas HowardThe other thing I've been discussing with friends is: when you're born do you start at a zero, or five?
Bryce Dallas HowardIt's just that the characters are speaking their mind. As opposed to it just being an expression, they're actually saying what's on their mind, and that's something that Tennessee Williams is really famous for. Shakespeare does that and Tennessee Williams does that. You crave that, when you're an actor, for sure.
Bryce Dallas Howard