Generally, you're always shooting in the dark with Beyonce. She's just creative and eclectic and up on always trying to be ahead of the game. That was the moment of me trying to figure out how I wanted to give her another moment.
Bryce WilsonAt that point, when songs got leaked, it was cool though too because then you started getting recognition beforehand.
Bryce WilsonThe first two songs that I wrote, produced and demoed with my voice on it was that song and then Akon's "Sorry, Blame It On Me." The first two demos I ever wrote and demoed, the two biggest artists at the time took them.
Bryce WilsonYou know Beyoncé, man. She's very quiet about how she does things. She doesn't like to let everybody know what she's about to do.
Bryce WilsonI mean, just like every other prominent songwriter or producer, you have the shot. You send in records and if they make it, they make it. If they get heard, they get heard. I'm not sure if you know how that circle of songwriting and producing works, but every time a big artist is working, everybody and their mother is in the studio writing records to try to get on it.
Bryce Wilson