There are no guarantees. Not with love or with life. But we can't go through life never taking a risk... Put our hearts out there. Take a chance with a boy. We might end up hurt, we might not.
C.C. HunterChange his mind. Tell him you're sorry you grilled his shorts." That you're sorry you've got ice running through your veins .
C.C. HunterBut you are making assumptions without all the facts, and that's not a sign of intelligence.
C.C. HunterBeing committed or loyal to someone doesn’t mean you won’t ever be attracted to someone else. It means you won’t physically act upon the attraction.
C.C. HunterMe?" All the crappiness of the day, of the last few weeks, zeroed in on this high and mighty B with an itch, and the scared-rabbit feeling faded.
C.C. HunterI'm in love with you, Kylie." He looked almost embarrassed by the admission. He jumped up, took one step away, then swung around and faced her again. "I don't expect you to say it back and I don't think this will change your mind about anything. But you deserved to know. And I needed to tell you because.....I've never felt this way before-for anyone.
C.C. Hunter