But the very act of pausing in a busy day to pray is an act of weakening pride in my life, acknowledging that I am a dependent creature. I am not self sufficient.
C. J. MahaneyAs we mature personally, as our families mature, and as our churches mature, we need the doctrine of sin more, not less; and we need to keep growing in rightly understanding and applying this doctrine. Be assured that this is no less true if you're a pastor or teacher or ministry worker. There's no pastoral privilege in relation to sin. There's no ministry exemption from the opposition of the flesh. There's only a heightened responsibility to oppose sin and to weaken the flesh, as an example to the flock.
C. J. MahaneyWe cannot free ourselves from pride and selfish ambition; a divine rescue is absolutely necessary.
C. J. MahaneyAll gifts from God are intended to direct our attention to God and create fresh affection for God.
C. J. Mahaney