If life is not a continuum, from conception to natural death, then all of us are potential victims if we fall out of favor with a ruling elite.
Cal ThomasWhen President Clinton starts talking about what is moral, as he did when recommending a national law banning human cloning, it's time for us to lock up our daughters.
Cal ThomasAs with most things governmental, failure does not mean having to try something else. It means spending more money.
Cal ThomasMy financial adviser Ric Edelman...thinks the time to start educating people about money is when they are children. He's set up a retirement plan called the RIC-E-Trust that can provide retirement security. A $5,000 one-time tax-deferred investment at birth, with an average interest rate of ten percent compounded, means that a child would have $2.4 million when he or she is 65 years old. Who needs Social Security with that kind of nest egg?
Cal Thomas