There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time.
Calvin CoolidgeWhen a man begins to feel that he is the only one who can lead in this republic, he is guilty of treason to the spirit of our institutions.
Calvin CoolidgeWe want wealth, but there are many other things we want very much more. Among them are peace, honor, charity, and idealism.
Calvin CoolidgeWorks which endure come from the soul of the people. The mighty in their pride walk alone to destruction. The humble walk hand in hand with providence to immortality. Their works survive.
Calvin CoolidgeThe people cannot look to legislation generally for success. Industry, thrift, character, are not conferred by act or resolve. Government cannot relieve from toil. It can provide no substitute for the rewards of service. It can, of course, care for the defective and recognize distinguished merit. The normal must care for themselves. Self-government means self-support.
Calvin Coolidge