To achieve victory we must mass our forces at the hub of all power & movement. The enemy's 'Center of Gravity'
Carl von ClausewitzThe deduction of effect from cause is often blocked by some insuperable extrinsic obstacle: the true causes may be quite unknown. Nowhere in life is this so common as in war, where the facts are seldom fully known and the underlying motives even less so.
Carl von ClausewitzThe only situation a commander can know fully is his own: his opponent's he can know only from unreliable intelligence.
Carl von ClausewitzBoldness will be at a disadvantage only in an encounter with deliberate caution, which may be considered bold in its own right, and is certainly just as powerful and effective; but such cases are rare.
Carl von ClausewitzClose combat, man to man, is plainly to be regarded as the real basis of combat.
Carl von ClausewitzThe general unreliability of all information presents a special problem in war: all action takes place, so to speak, in the twilight, which, like fog or moonlight, often tends to make things seem grotesque and larger than they really are. Whatever is hidden from full view in this feeble light has to be guessed at by talent, or simply left to chance. So once again for the lack of objective knowledge, one has to trust to talent or to luck.
Carl von Clausewitz