To the people that claim to hate Love: Remember that the thing that hurt you was a person, not love. If it had been love, they would not have hurt you. Beware that many things masquerade as love: obsession, jealousy, control, and loneliness are just a few. Love is the greatest thing on Earth, along with her sister, Hope.
Carlos SalinasLove is the only thing that you can give and give and give and never run out of; it is also the only thing that, the more you give, the more you have.
Carlos SalinasLove is: Bringing a blanket when someone's asleep. Giving the last piece of food to the other person. Staying awake to listen to them when you are dead tired. Hugging them tightly when they need it the most.
Carlos SalinasIt seems everyone's so worried about getting hurt that they forget about letting love happen.
Carlos SalinasImagine what the world could be if we were on the offense with love instead of on the defense with hate.
Carlos SalinasUnless it's a soul-nourishing and breath-taking love, the kind that makes you wonder how you got along without them before you met them and makes you be a better, happier person, it is a waste of time. If the person cannot make you smile simply by thinking of them, they're not the one.
Carlos Salinas