I write about one of my bills that says pharmacists cannot be doctors. They cannot determine what they will or will not sell, and you find that many pharmacists will not sell birth control. The movement has gone not just against the access of reproductive rights to abortion; the movement has gone to birth control. They're going after birth control.
Carolyn MaloneyWhile men's rights are guaranteed by specific language in the Constitution, women's equal rights aren't mentioned.
Carolyn MaloneyI asked, "What do you think the most important advancement was for women in recent years?" And the majority, the item that polled the most, was Hillary Clinton's run for President. Can you believe that? Women saw that as a breakthrough in something very, very important. She didn't win. And I think another thing that her race did was it showed sexism in our society.
Carolyn MaloneyBecause it's important. Laws can be reversed, Supreme Court decisions can be overturned, gender classifications can continue.
Carolyn MaloneyNine out of ten adult Americans have a checking account. It's the most widely used financial services product in the United States.
Carolyn MaloneyThe original feminists wanted two things. They wanted the right to vote, from which we could work to get more equality. And we have made progress. We did pass the anti-discrimination law, Title 7, Title 9, equality in the workplace, equality in education and in sports and in all these other areas. But enforcement is very hard. Changing stereotypes is very hard.
Carolyn Maloney