You only have so much time in life so everything you do needs to mean something to you.
Cary FukunagaThe theoretical casting part of movies is the funnest part. You really can imagine so many different versions of a story, based on who's embodying it.
Cary FukunagaIt's nice to represent to other people in the world that Americans actually do know what's happening in the world, can speak other languages and are conscientious. The perception quite often is that we don't know what's beyond our county line.
Cary FukunagaAll I kept thinking about was, "Man, he's so relaxed onstage! I'm never going to be that relaxed! I'm clearly not meant to be in front of the camera. I'm really not meant for anything but behind the camera."
Cary FukunagaThe only pressure is the pressure I put on myself, that's up to be I guess to mitigate that. I think there's always pressure that you make the right choice for the next film. You don't know what the outcome is gonna be, there's always potential to find length to your career as well. Now I'm so far from any other job skills that if I don't make movies.
Cary Fukunaga