Everyone's scared. So scared they can't sleep sometimes. Or eat. Or keep their weight on." "Then why bother playing?" I asked. It was a whisper, this question. "Because. You love the game. You love the people you play with. You love winning, maybe. You love that one moment when you get it right . . . I dunno. Why do you play?" "Because," I whispered, "it's who I am." Sounds like a good reason to me.
Catherine Gilbert MurdockIt kind of struck me how great it would be to go out with a guy that size. And if you, you know, got tired of dating him, you could always use him as a house or something.
Catherine Gilbert MurdockAnd if I didnโt, Iโd spend the rest of my life wondering who I could have turned into if only Iโd had the guts to try.
Catherine Gilbert MurdockAnd have your mother put my head on a stake? Do you have any notion what that would do to my handsome good looks?
Catherine Gilbert Murdock