Farm workers everywhere are angry and worried that we cannot win without violence. We have proved it before through persistence, hard work, faith and willingness to sacrifice. We can win and keep our own self-respect and build a great union that will secure the spirit of all people if we do it through a re-dedication and re-commitment to the struggle for justice through non-violence.
Cesar ChavezI have met many, many farm workers and friends who love justice and who are willing to sacrifice for what is right. They have a quality about them that reminds me of the beatitudes. They are living examples that Jesus' promise is true: they have ben hungry and thirsty for righteousness and they have been satisfied. They are determined, patient people who believe in life and who give strength to others. They have given me more love and hope and strength than they will ever know.
Cesar ChavezThe non-violent technique does not depend for its success on the goodwill of the oppressor, but rather on the unfailing assistance of God.
Cesar ChavezTo make a great dream come true, the first requirement is a great capacity to dream; the second is persistence.
Cesar ChavezPreservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.
Cesar Chavez