In a capitalistic society the losers slaved for the winners and you have to have more losers than winners.
The human body is mostly blood and mystery and sadness.
my mother, poor fish, wanting to be happy, beaten two or three times a week, telling me to be happy: "Henry, smile! why don't you ever smile?" and then she would smile, to show me how, and it was the saddest smile I ever saw
If I have any advice to anybody it's this: take up watercolor painting.
I was an Agnostic. Agnostics didn't have much to argue about.
He asked, "what makes a man a writer?" "well," I said, "it's simple, it's either you get it down on paper or you jump off a bridge. writers are desperate people and when they stop being desperate they stop being writers." "are you desperate?" "I don't know.