I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism.
Charles R. SchwabWe are all salesmen every day of our lives. We are selling our ideas, our plans, our enthusiasms to those with whom we come in contact.
Charles R. SchwabThere is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a person as criticisms from superiors. I never criticize anyone...If I like anything, I am hearty in my approbation and lavish in my praise.
Charles R. SchwabI was once ask if a big business man ever reached his objective. I replied that if a man ever reached his objective he was not a big business man.
Charles R. SchwabThe word passive does a disservice to investors considering their options. Indexing provides an effective means of owning the market and allows investors to participate in the returns of a basket of stocks. The basket of stocks changes over time as stocks are added or removed based on its rules.
Charles R. Schwab