The beginning of Christendom, is, strictly, at a point out of time. A metphysical trigonometry finds it among the spiritual Secrets, at the meeting of two heavenward lines, one drawn from Bethany along the Ascent of the Messias, the other from Jerusalem against the Descent of the Paraclete. That measurement, the measurement of eternity in operation, of the bright cloud and the rushing wind, is, in effect, theology.
Charles WilliamsThe most he would do was to promise that the gates of hell should not prevail against it. It is about all that, looking back on the history of the Church, one can feel that they have not done.
Charles WilliamsThe strong hands of God twisted the crown of thorns into a crown of glory; and in such hands we are safe.
Charles WilliamsThe Divine Thing that made itself the foundation of the Church does not seem, to judge by his comments on the religious leadership of his day, to have hoped much from officers of a church.
Charles WilliamsThe telephone bell was ringing wildly, but without result, since there was no-one in the room but the corpse.
Charles Williams