The religious need of the human mind remains alive, never more so, but it demands a teaching which can be understood. Slowly an apprehension of the intimate, usable power of God is growing among us, and a growing recognition of the only worth-while application of that power-in the improvement of the world.
Charlotte Perkins Gilmanall social relations exist and grow in the human mind. That one despot can rule over a million other men rests absolutely on their state of mind. They believe that he does; let them change their minds, and he does not.
Charlotte Perkins GilmanA family unity which is only bound together with a table-cloth is of questionable value.
Charlotte Perkins GilmanIt will be a great thing for the human soul when it finally stops worshipping backwards.
Charlotte Perkins GilmanThrough it [literature] we know the past, govern the present, and influence the future.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman