You can't just sit around and watch life pass you by. You have to keep dreaming. Sonny taught me that, and I intend to do him proud.
CherWomen have to harness their power - it's absolutely true. It's just learning not to take the first 'no.' And if you can't go straight ahead, you go around the corner.
CherYounger men are more supportive and a lot less demanding, and they also have more time for their relationships.
CherI'm like a bumper car. When I did an infomercial I was fodder for every TV comedy show. I couldn't get a job. People said I was a huge joke. I've been a joke so many times. I've been on my way out since I started, but I'm strong-willed. My mother is so much tougher than I am and my grandmother is so much tougher than my mother.