Do not be angry with an ungrateful person; probably they are confused or inexperienced.
Chico XavierIf the individual could succeed in discovering through human experience the profound past, he, would more rapidly, reach the conclusion that all the opportunities that complement him in knowledge and health, come from Divine Kindness and, that most of the material resources that are at his disposition and desires proceed from injustice.
Chico XavierIt is for this reason that Jesus left us the parable of the unfaithful servant, inviting us into a sincere fraternity in order that through it we could find the path of rehabilitation.
Chico XavierAvoid trouble with those who are fanatics; they remain imprisoned in exclusivism and deserve compassion just as any other prisoner.
Chico XavierIf you pay too much attention to the criticism of the one who is inferior, then you must endure the constraints of the plane to which you have descended without feeling hurt.
Chico XavierIf our spiritual past is somber and painful, let us try to simplify it, by acquiring true dedications that will assist us through the harsh climb of redemption. If we do not, today, have a determined bond with the wealth of injustice, we had it yesterday, and it becomes indispensable that we take advantage of time for our own individual readjustment before the Divine Justice.
Chico Xavier