It had not been a long journey, but the memory of it filled her like an infection. She had felt tethered by time to the city behind her, so that the minutes stretched out taut as she moved away, and slowed the farther she got, dragging out her little voyage.
China MievillePEOPLE HAVE WANTED TO narrate since first we banged rocks together & wondered about fire. Thereโll be tellings as long as there are any of us here, until the stars disappear one by one like turned-out lights.
China MievilleWhen I'm writing a book, generally I start with the mood and setting, along with a couple of specific imagesยthings that have come into my head, totally abstracted from any narrative, that I've fixated on. After that, I construct a world, or an area, into which that general setting, that atmosphere, and the specific images I've focused on can fit.
China Mieville