If you must begin then go all the way, because if you begin and quit, the unfinished business you have left behind begins to haunt you all the time.
Chogyam Trungpawhen one learns a different way of dealing with the situation, one no longer has to have a purpose. One is not on the way to somewhere. Or rather, one is on the way and one is also at the destination at the same time. That is really what meditation is for.
Chogyam TrungpaWe could say that compassion is the ultimate attitude of wealth: an anti-poverty attitude, a war on want. It contains all sorts of heroic, juicy, positive, visionary, expansive qualities. And it implies larger scale thinking, a freer and more expansive way of relating to yourself and the world.
Chogyam TrungpaOur bodies demand our attention; our bodies demand that we actually pay attention to what is going on with our lives.
Chogyam Trungpa