I don't even know if acting's something I want to do the rest of my life. There's a lot of other things I'm interested in, too. But as long as there are good roles out there and I'm enjoying myself, I wouldn't mind being some little octogenarian and continuing on the fight. But that's not really where I place my happiness, so acting to me is always a bonus. Acting is definitely a very pleasant bonus in my life, and I've enjoyed it completely.
Chris DemetralMontreal's a unique city, very fascinating stories of architecture and history, and it's this sort of bizarre mixture of Europe and North America. It's not quite Canada and it's not quite America, and it's definitely got this very Euro feel to it. It's a very, very interesting city.
Chris DemetralI've always said and I'd be one of the first people to admit; I think there are literally thousands of actors out there more talented than I am by a country mile. I've just been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time, and I guess I had the right look.
Chris DemetralOne of the great things about the longer you do a character, the more the writers start to understand your kind of character ticks and things that you like to do. The most exciting thing I think for a writer is when the characters just start speaking for themselves. You sit down at your keyboard and just stuff starts jumping out of their mouths. They just sort of wrote the scripts for themselves.
Chris DemetralI base my happiness on the relationships in my life. I would rather have the absolute worst acting career or, I don't know, whatever the worst job would be... picking up radioactive material? I would much rather have that and a good marriage than a horrible marriage and a brilliant career. That's just not a trade off I'd make.
Chris DemetralI try not to plan more than 24 hours ahead at any given point. If I've learned anything, it's that you just can't plan. Whatever you think is going to happen never does, and there's always the X factor that always comes up and surprises you.
Chris DemetralI always feel that it's weird that anyone else is watching one of my shows on any other TV than my own. It just seems bizarre that somehow it's being broadcast all over the world. I just feel really fortunate to be where I am, and really lucky to have the opportunity to do what I do, and I appreciate every single minute of it.
Chris Demetral