The backlash to [Sarah] Palin`s comments was swift, with veterans and veterans` groups criticizing the apparent politicization of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Chris HayesThe idea of a celebrity endorsing a presidential candidate is nothing new, but the full-throated endorsement for Senator Bernie Sanders from one of the country`s biggest hip hop stars had surprised some political observers.
Chris HayesAfter campaign financial reports show more money spent than raised in the month of September. Report adds to growing speculation that Donald Trump is not in some very deep psychological sense, actually running to be President of the United States, so much as he`s running to build up a fan base for Donald Trump.
Chris HayesTed Cruz who`s been gaining on [Donald] Trump in Iowa and is polling ahead of him in the latest Monmouth poll would be quite reluctant to criticize Trump`s plan saying simply it is not his policy.
Chris Hayes