These kids are more savvy. They know what people are wearing instantly. It's brutal. We're the ones sending the dresses and we can barely keep up; these kids see it before we do. So we know they're plugged in. Now they can forget that for a few hours. Just go big with ideas! Experiment!
Christian SirianoThe thing is, if you're a designer, then you want to constantly push yourself and your designs. When we make a new collection, we're changing shapes, we're changing patterns. We get a dress on a model, and it's our first time seeing what the dress really looks like on a woman's body.
Christian SirianoWe found the time and we put in the effort because being a label that different women can wear is really important to us.
Christian SirianoI hate the terminology of "costume" because my clothes are not costumes at all. I think they're high fashion, avant-garde, and more couture, definitely, and yes, some of my pieces are not particularly wearable, but I wouldn't say they're costumes, I'd say they're more couture.
Christian Siriano