"Marginalized others" have access to other ways of knowing, and therefore to deeper, more authentic truths about human reality. They can share that knowledge by speaking about their lived experience while in a safe space. But to provide this kind of safety, members of privileged groups, i.e. white, able-bodied, cis-gendered middle class men, must keep quiet.
Christina Hoff SommersTrigger warnings and safe spaces are an infantilizing setback for feminism - and for women.
Christina Hoff SommersA fair and just society offers equality of opportunity to all. But it cannot promise, and should not try to enforce, sameness.
Christina Hoff SommersMany feminists in the academy and in the major women's groups are knocking down open doors. It's 2016, not 1950. But you wouldn't know that if you looked through a typical women's studies textbook or website.
Christina Hoff SommersThere are a lot of homely women in womenโs studies. Preaching these anti-male, anti-sex sermons is a way for them to compensate for various heartaches - theyโre just mad at the beautiful girls.
Christina Hoff SommersWe reject creationism because there is no evidence to support it. By contrast, the notion that biology is at least partially the basis of gender is an empirically supportable, and even well-supported, proposition. The gender scholars reject it on ideological, not evidentiary, grounds.
Christina Hoff Sommers