Women are not children. We are not fragile little birds who can't cope with jokes, works of art, or controversial speakers.
Christina Hoff Sommers"Marginalized others" have access to other ways of knowing, and therefore to deeper, more authentic truths about human reality. They can share that knowledge by speaking about their lived experience while in a safe space. But to provide this kind of safety, members of privileged groups, i.e. white, able-bodied, cis-gendered middle class men, must keep quiet.
Christina Hoff SommersIn reality, American girls are among the most outspoken, ambitious, successful girls in the history of the human race.
Christina Hoff SommersThe serious work for feminism in the 21st century is across the globe. Instead of retreating into "safe spaces" and focusing on their own imagined oppression, today's feminists should be reaching out to women's groups in the developing world.
Christina Hoff SommersAny child may go through periods during which they become less outspoken with their parents or teachers. But girls, like boys, live in many different worlds - they have their friends and their classroom and their parents - and within these different domains, they may have different levels of expressiveness.
Christina Hoff Sommers