It's a very important process of self-recognition, self-introspection, by just daily accepting our creation, accepting what is right in front of us, breathing, letting go, and coming into the heart space and knowing that that fear or the struggle is part of the illusion. Just breathe that truth, because as you breathe, it filters through and you'll find that that tightness, that intensity, the fear, the worry, will dissolve. Just allow yourself not to get stuck in that.
Christine McCormick DayThat's where the biggest shift has taken place. We have been propelled forward into our awakening because of the dimensional shifts on the planet.
Christine McCormick DayThat's what I love about the Pleiadians. It allows people to start understanding their own human process and understand the dynamic that is going on on the planet right now.
Christine McCormick DayMy role with the Pleiadians has been a profound journey of 24 years. Prior to meeting them, I had not believed in space ships or aliens, but I turned a corner in nature and they appeared before me and reminded me of my Pleiadian heritage and my mission this lifetime.
Christine McCormick DayWe've got a lot of violence in the world right now, a lot of upheaval in America with this election coming up, and a lot of unrest will come up from that.
Christine McCormick DayWe have a lot of ships coming in and transmitting to us and bringing the information. So, it's very powerful.
Christine McCormick DayIt also will come through natural forces, as a lot of intense storms also will be brewing. There's a lot for us to get caught up into if we choose, but they are warning us not to get caught up in it. It's simply a mirror of the times that we don't necessarily have to respond to and react to from within.
Christine McCormick Day