There will be revelations of truth and understanding about our role within the universes, and we will start navigating with the galactic community and with other life form energies in a much more precise way, much more of a communion with those energies in accord with the acceleration that is happening on the planet.
Christine McCormick DayThis covenant energy holds and mirrors the pact that we have made of self-fulfillment for ourselves in this lifetime, and that covenant energy holds the full reflection of our promise within its framework.
Christine McCormick DayThere is a tremendous acceleration and many of us will be moving dimensionally - through that sixth, seventh, dimensional element that will be here for those of us who are ready to engage with our galactic and universal neighbors.
Christine McCormick DayMany people think the Pleiadians are in spirit form, but they're not. They exist as a civilization in the fifth/sixth dimensional evolution, which is unconditional love, so they hold a much higher frequency of evolution than we do here on the planet at this time, and they are here to really bring the knowledge, the understanding, and initiations for us to align back to our own personal power.
Christine McCormick DayThis time, we stay in our bodies and remember. An important part of the book [The Pleiadian Promise] is about forming new communities on this Earth plane within our human selves - and new communities within the universe.
Christine McCormick DayThe Pleiadians see a huge upswing in the drama on the planet and in individual lives. The drama is not a bad thing. It's just simply getting our attention to that which we need to take care of and notice all that we're still holding onto within ourselves. It's just to act as a mirror.
Christine McCormick Day