Mother Mary and the Christ energy hold a new profile on the Earth plane right now, and they will be there in the seminar in their new profile for this new phase we're entering into. They will walk among us and be much more available to individuals at this time on the Earth plane. They will be accessible in a very different way to support us in this transition on a very intimate and individual basis.
Christine McCormick DayWe need to be willing to witness ourselves in all the shades of our humanness, and to come into the heart space daily and just hold ourselves with love and compassion.
Christine McCormick DayThat has been a very strong message, and I feel that is going to continue, but there is a shift coming and they bring that into their messages. This time on the planet is changing for us. Yes, we've lived lifetimes as a human being in this illusion and this separated space, but that phase is coming to an end now and we are beginning to be launched into a new phase on the Earth plane where we will start waking up.
Christine McCormick DayPeople feel like they are in turmoil and confusion, but that space of understanding also exists, and the initiations lift that density off them so that they start to glimpse something more of themselves.
Christine McCormick DayIf someone comes in without having been on a spiritual path for long, he or she still will understand what is happening to them in their human lives, what is happening through the evolution, how their humanness is playing such an important role at this time, and where they are in their lives with their inner feelings. It actually gives them a support system, a base from which they can start to evolve naturally within themselves through the understanding of our humanness, of our imperfection.
Christine McCormick Day