The Pleiadians see a huge upswing in the drama on the planet and in individual lives. The drama is not a bad thing. It's just simply getting our attention to that which we need to take care of and notice all that we're still holding onto within ourselves. It's just to act as a mirror.
Christine McCormick DayEveryone is ready to receive this new blueprint. It's simple, easy, flowing. Nothing too complicated, and everyone will feel at home being able to come in and just receive this energy.
Christine McCormick DayThe outer drama in the world is going to escalate, and what they [the Pleiadians] are saying is to come back to your heart and don't participate in the drama. Witness it, but understand that this illusion on the Earth plane is accelerating because of where we are in our evolution.
Christine McCormick DayIt also will come through natural forces, as a lot of intense storms also will be brewing. There's a lot for us to get caught up into if we choose, but they are warning us not to get caught up in it. It's simply a mirror of the times that we don't necessarily have to respond to and react to from within.
Christine McCormick Day