The Pleiadians are opening an energetic timeline for the very first time in any seminar, allowing you to enter the timeline where all experience occurs, because everything exists in one moment.
Christine McCormick DayThat's what I love about the Pleiadians. It allows people to start understanding their own human process and understand the dynamic that is going on on the planet right now.
Christine McCormick DayThe actual initiations open up any dense areas in the physical body. The Pleiadian start to break up where the individual is holding on to a physical illness or a particular emotional experience. They always address the human being.
Christine McCormick DayIt's a very important process of self-recognition, self-introspection, by just daily accepting our creation, accepting what is right in front of us, breathing, letting go, and coming into the heart space and knowing that that fear or the struggle is part of the illusion. Just breathe that truth, because as you breathe, it filters through and you'll find that that tightness, that intensity, the fear, the worry, will dissolve. Just allow yourself not to get stuck in that.
Christine McCormick Day