People who don't want to get on with their lives, and don't want to accept responsibility for the direction of their lives want to hang out with other people who don't want to accept responsibility or move on, and so you find that your entire culture around you are people who are just like you, because that's what's comforting.
Chuck PalahniukEverything you see is based on fact of a event thats already happen, Even light only travels so fast.
Chuck PalahniukThink of spoiled cat food and ulcerated cankers and expired donor organs. That's how beautiful she looks.
Chuck PalahniukNevertheless, if you ask me, most people have children just as their own enthusiasm about life begins to wane. A child allows us to revisit the excitement we once felt about, well... everything. A generation later, our grandkids bump up our enthusiasm yet again. Reproducing is a kind of booster shot to keep us loving life.
Chuck Palahniuk