Since 1900, only three other [than Donald Trump ] presidents have won the White House with a smaller percentage of the popular vote. Woodrow Wilson in 1912, Richard Nixon in 1968, and Bill Clinton in 1992.
Chuck ToddThe Emoluments section shares with the Constitution. That`s not a law that Congress could change or the president could ignore.
Chuck ToddDonald Trump is a president in crisis. His governing agenda is going nowhere, his credibility shattered with many, his public approval is mired in the thirties and low forties, and an escalating Russia crisis is threatening to undermine the president's ability to persuade even Republicans that he can bounce back.
Chuck Todd[Sean] Spicer`s message echoed what President Trump tweeted.The so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. Sad.But underneath those dismissals, lies and urgency inside the White House to figure this out, and quickly.
Chuck Todd