And, for any performer, to be able to go deep into character is fantastic. In film you only get to do that if you're the leading character. But in television you get 18 hours to really test the audience and take them to the edge of how far they will go with this character. I can step over this line and I love that.
Cillian MurphyFor me it's always been about the stories, not what medium. The medium is secondary to the stories.
Cillian MurphyI started off in theater; I did exclusively theater for four or five years. In the last few years, television has come along but I can still make film. I feel very privileged that I can move between them.
Cillian MurphyThe best roles you have to fight for. You have to really want to do it and you have to go after it.
Cillian MurphyI think you fall out of love with theater while you're doing your eighth show of your eighteenth week and your body is saying, "Please make this end."
Cillian Murphy