Almost always great new ideas don't emerge from within a single person or function, but at the intersection of functions or people that have never met before.
Clayton ChristensenYou can invest to create the new growth business while the core business is still growing, because new business units don't need to get big fast. But when the core business stops growing, investing to create new growth businesses becomes impossible.
Clayton ChristensenThis is one of the innovatorโs dilemmas: Blindly following the maxim that good managers should keep close to their customers can sometimes be a fatal mistake.
Clayton ChristensenIf you study the root causes of business disasters, over and over you'll find this predisposition toward endeavors that offer immediate gratification.
Clayton ChristensenIt is when the product is not good enough that proprietary integration gives you a competitive edge. You cannot outsource and be competitively successful in this situation. But at the other end, where standard components assembled in standard ways can yield acceptable performance, you must outsource.
Clayton Christensen