What I like about Paper Girls in particular is that because we're approaching it more from a female perspective, we're able to consider the emotional states of these characters a little bit more, and think more of their interiority.
Cliff Chiang[Paper Girls] needed to have a certain kind of almost neon style to it, but at the same time we wanted also to show the modern perspective that we had.
Cliff ChiangThe '80s were a really different time for kids.Technology has changed so much of how we stay in touch and keep tabs on people.
Cliff ChiangWhen coming up with Wonder Woman cover designs, sometimes people will pitch ideas to me, either the writer or the editor. And it's interesting, because I know they're not trying to, but they end up pitching things that end up feeling like damsel-in-distress covers, where the tension comes from her needing to be rescued somehow. And it's something I immediately push back against.
Cliff ChiangI realize that this is not what you want to put on a cover with Wonder Woman emblazoned on it. She could be in trouble, but she doesn't need to be completely out of control. So whenever I'm doing these covers, I try to make sure that there's an element where, even if there is danger, it's not something where agency is taken away from her.
Cliff Chiang