Spending all my remaining money on a ticket to Florence was rendered needlessly complicated by the fact that none of the ticket-sellers had ever heard of the place. At last their supervisor showed up and set them straight by informing them that the city they had always referred to as 'Firenze' was in reality called Florence.
Clive JamesIf we want a book to do more than what it does, that's a condemnation. If we want it to do more of what it does, that's an endorsement.
Clive JamesReading and writing... are exciting. The most exciting things I can think of. And now, as I reflect... I have to say that I've been lucky in that I'm amused by what I do - sufficiently amused.
Clive JamesHumphrey Searle writes music that sounds like the theme from 'Star Wars' played backwards through a washing machine.
Clive James