The mystics always say that the experience they're talking about is ineffable, that you can't say it. Rumi was asked one time why he talked so much about silence. He said, "The radiant one inside me has never said a word."
Coleman BarksThere's some sort of exchange that goes on between human beings that is one of the highest things we do.
Coleman BarksWhen you meet a new friend, the world has more light in it, doesn't it? Things become more spontaneous, and more full of laughing and freedom and novelty.
Coleman BarksAnything you grab hold of on the bank breaks with the river's pressure. When you do things from your soul, the river itself moves through you. Freshness and a deep joy are signs of the current.
Coleman BarksLonging becomes more poignant if in the distance you can't tell whether your friend is going away or coming back. The pushing away pulls you in.
Coleman BarksWhat I deeply want... is for Rumi to become vitally present for readers, part of what John Keats called our soul-making, that process that is both collective and uniquely individual, that happens outside time and space and inside, that is the ocean we all inhabit and each singular droplet-self.
Coleman Barks