Courage is the enabling virtue for any philosopher - for any human being, I think, in the end. Courage to think, courage to love, courage to hope.
Cornel WestA rich life consists fundamentally of serving others, trying to leave the world a little better than you found it.
Cornel WestMusic is the very cement that has not just held the black community together but holds black selves together in a fundamental sense.
Cornel WestThere ought to be a robust, uninhibited conversation in black America with different black ideological perspectives.
Cornel WestWhen ordinary people wake up, elites begin to tremble in their boots. They can't get away with their abuse. They can't get away with subjection. They can't get away with subjugation. They can't get away with exploitation. They can't get away with domination. It takes courage for folk to stand up.
Cornel West