I got into the situation where I was extreme right. It turned out that my mother is Jewish, my grandmother is Jewish. I am Jewish. So I can't hate Jewish people.
Csanad SzegediI can say it's true that if I want to understand a certain minority, I need to meet them and get to know them.
Csanad SzegediWhen I was a student at university, I went to live in Budapest. I grew up in the countryside. In those days, I had a conservative right-wing way of thinking. At university, I met the other young people with whom I made this party, Jobbik. These friends grew to include more people, and as more people with these extreme-right views joined us, Jobbik became more and more extreme right. I was young, in my 20s, and we could continuously identify with these ideas.
Csanad SzegediWhen I belonged to Jobbik, I didn't wear a kippa and I didn't light Hannukah candles.
Csanad SzegediBefore the change of regime in 1989, you couldn't talk about anti-Semitism, and after the regime change, people started to talk about taboo subjects. I was 8 years old in those days, and later, in politics and society, these extreme wright ideologies got stronger - the skinhead movement was started, a lot of ex-Nazis emigrated and financially supported these extreme right movements in Hungary.
Csanad Szegedi