Music, in its higher state, for me, is worth living and dying for. It's worth traipsing around the globe, it's worth the accolades and the other side of the accolades...I always have sung to the angels and the higher parts of people's souls.
Cyndi LauperI get the greatest feeling when I'm singing. It's other-worldly. Your feet are anchored into the Earth and into this energy force that comes up through your feet and goes up the top of your head and maybe you're holding hands with the angels or the stars, I have no idea.
Cyndi LauperI knew Queen Elizabeth didn't do any laundry! I knew I wasn't going to be doing laundry. I was going to be singing.
Cyndi LauperI wanna go south and get some more. Hey, they say that a stitch in time saves nine, they say I better stop or I'll go blind.
Cyndi Lauper