Their property held them in chains...chains which shackled their courage and choked their faith and hampered their judgment and throttled their soul...If they stored up their treasure in heaven, they would not now have an enemy and a thief within their own household...They think of themselves as owners, whereas it is they rather who are owned: enslaved as they are to their own property, they are not the masters of their money but its slaves.
CyprianHe [Christ] protects their faith and gives strength to believers in proportion to the trust that each man who receives that strength is willing to place in him.
CyprianBe constantly committed to prayer or to reading [Scripture]; by praying, you speak to God, in reading, God speaks to you.
CyprianThe Lord withdraws when He is denied, and what is taken by the undeserving does not avail them unto salvation, since the saving grace is turned into ashes and holiness departs.