If a person's basic state of mind is serene and calm, then it is possible for this inner peace to overwhelm a painful physical experience.
Dalai LamaHowever capable and skillful an individual may be, left alone, he or she will not survive. When we are sick or very young or very old, we must depend on the support of others. There is no significant division between us and other people, because our basic natures are the same. If we wish to ensure everyone's peace and happiness, we need to cultivate a healthy respect for the diversity of our peoples and cultures, founded on an understanding of this fundamental sameness of all human beings.
Dalai LamaMy overriding belief is that it is always possible for criminals to improve and that by its very finality the death penalty contradicts this.
Dalai LamaLogically, harmony must come from the heart... Harmony very much based on trust. As soon as use force, creates fear. Fear and trust cannot go together.
Dalai Lama