A free-loader is a confirmed guest. He is the man who is always willing to come to dinner.
Damon RunyonAlways try to rub up against money, for if you rub up against money long enough, some of it may rub off on you.
Damon RunyonGrowing up in that fashion is a breeding ground for insecurity and doubt; it also leaves you questioning motives. It took me a long time to see the world as I want it without constantly looking for approval. I still fall, but I'm better suited for survival.
Damon Runyonhe hardest obstacle for me has been to find a father. I am the product of three fathers, and my connection to each of them has left me wanting. Each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but I've always been in competition with them in some way.
Damon RunyonFailure is always present as an actor. I make my living by taking chances. If I'm not risking something, then I'm not doing my job, so I'm constantly failing. In fact, I'm trying to fail bigger. I try to focus on the positive, the moment, and try to realize where I'm at in an attempt to understand the failure.
Damon Runyon