What frustrated us about the song [Robots] was not that it existed - we owe a lot to that song and have had a ton of fun playing it. The problem was that it was a "given".It was like everyone was waiting for it to happen, and then it better be as crazy as the time they saw it before. Started to feel like dancing monkeys.
Dan ManganWhen you ask my three year old if my iPhone is too complicated, it's not. It's all relative.
Dan ManganThere's when a phrase circles in my head in a number of ways for any number of days, weeks, or months, and then that eventually becomes a song. There's a slow permeation of the idea and then that leads into a bunch of themes and becomes a bunch of lines.
Dan ManganAcknowledging the lucky breaks are paramount to enjoying life. Not being defensive about our successes/failures. So, in short.
Dan Mangan