No one species shall make the life of the world its own.' โฆ That's one expression of the law. Here's another: 'The world was not made for any one species.
Daniel QuinnIf you canโt discover whatโs keeping you in, the will to get out soon becomes confused and ineffectual - "Ishmael
Daniel QuinnFar and away the most futile admonition Christ ever offered was when he said, 'Have no care for tomorrow. Don't worry about whether you're going to have something to eat. Look at the birds of the air. They neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, but God takes perfect care of them. Don't you think he'll do the same for you?' In our culture the overwhelming answer to that question is, 'Hell no!' Even the most dedicated monastics saw to their sowing and reaping and gathering into barns.
Daniel Quinn....he began to speak to me, not in the jocular way of visitors to the menagerie but rather as one speaks to the wind or to the waves crashing on a beach, uttering that which must be said but which must not be heard by anyone.
Daniel Quinn