I am one of those sort of "lesser" types, those sensitive types, those people who wouldn't have made it on their own if other people hadn't helped them. A straightforward capitalist society would've cut them off and let them die. So I was saved by my friends and by my family and by people who cared about me, and by modern psychotherapy that cared about women.
Dar WilliamsBasically, I have found that people who have tried to start communities out of good feelings or hippie-dippie abstract concepts of love - it doesn't work. But if you just concentrate on what is the identity of your town - its waterfalls, its battles, its notable mill strike or those things - you dig into what your town is from its rock formations to its history to its food. Then this thing called community happens all the time.
Dar WilliamsAs I said in one of my songs, we're still abolishing slavery, but nobody says it's a good thing. Nobody justifies it.
Dar WilliamsWhy wouldn't you want to be the envy of your neighbors by being so good and so generous and so smart in how you use the power that you obviously have? That's my patriotism.
Dar WilliamsAnd I'll act like I have faith, and like that faith never ends, but I really just have friends.
Dar Williams