Heaven is simply going to be an intensification, amplification, magnification and extension of all the thrills and joys and pleasures of this life, the Heaven on Earth that we're now enjoying, only it will be even more Heavenly there, and forever, praise God!
David BergHave your name put in the Lamb's Book of Life in Heaven so you'll be sure you've got your reservation confirmed for one of those mansions in God's golden Space City!
David BergYour body is not the real you. It's just the physical house you live in. The real you is your spirit, which will live on forever.
David BergThere will be no feeding problems because you can either eat for pleasure, or you don't have to eat at all!
David BergOne of these days you're going to a mansion that isn't going to cost you anything!-No upkeep, no expense, absolutely nothing except what it's already cost Jesus!-And it will be commensurate with your works on Earth, what you already paid for it down here.
David BergWhat exhibit buildings God will have! The historical exhibits, the scientific exhibits, the spiritual exhibits, to be able to see the marvelous wonders of the Spirit World!
David BergThere will be no transportation problems in Heaven-you can either glide along, float along or fly!
David BergMy oh my, think of what you're going to be like when you have your completely Heavenly body that can do all the things you can do now and more, including flying and floating and appearing and disappearing and walking through walls and locked doors and having marvelous supernatural miraculous powers of defense and judgement upon your enemies, protection for your friends, and to be able to help the poor humans that are still living on Earth during the Millennium to learn more about the Lord and love Him and serve Him even as you do.
David BergI belong to the Kingdom of God, that's my Country! I'm from Space City, that's my City! I'm from the City that hath foundations, whose Builder and Maker is God!
David BergWe're still going to be learning in Heaven. We will still be developing and are not yet absolutely perfect. That's what the future is all about - to continue the learning process that we have begun here. We've all still got a lot to learn!
David BergWhile the prosecution has said this is about the defendants lies, one worries that those lies already have been buried under too much discussion of technical issues. The jury may be lost already.
David BergFor He hath prepared for them a City! Hallelujah? He's got a City for you & me where you're not going to have any passport nor visa problems, they're not going to have to make sure you've got enough money to stay there awhile, it's YOUR town, your Hometown in Heaven, praise God? And they're all going to be your people! We're just going to be one nationality of one nation, ...we just haven't found the place yet, we haven't gotten there yet!
David BergOur heavenly bodies are going to be similar to our present ones, only better. We'll look enough like we do now to recognize and identify each other. We're going to have a lot of the same characteristics that we have now.
David BergI don't know how perfect everybody is going to be in Heaven, but anyhow, certainly a lot better than here!
David BergI want you to really be able to grasp the wonder of it, the marvel of it, the size of it and really be able to get a good conception of its magnificence and it tremendous colossal gigantic stupendous size and beauty and splendour!
David BergI have another proof that we're going to have food in Heaven! And man did eat angel's food.-Manna! So angels can eat food!
David BergI've already got the Kingdom of Heaven in my heart! That's my nationality, my citizenship, my Country!-A Country that's never persecuted the poor or oppressed the weak or destroyed small peoples of the World like America has. It's a Country that's never lost a battle and never fought a war for the wrong reason.
David BergGod is a racist! He has a special elite race of supermen who are going to live above all others in the Holy City, the magical, mystical, marvelous, mysterious Space City!
David BergMost people are not really conceited, but feel a certain amount of inferiority and tend to get a little discouraged with themselves, therefore encouragement is a very important thing! I do it all the time! I praise everybody for everything they do that I see is good.
David BergThere're going to be animals in God's Heaven on Earth, a New Heaven and a New Earth! God's not going to have His Creation defeated. He put those animals here for pets and playthings and companions for you and your children, and you're still going to enjoy the animals.
David BergHeaven is a place where you can get all you want of whatever you like. Heaven is not the end: it's only the beginning.
David BergHallelujah for the Heaven we have in our hearts with the Love of Jesus, His Spirit, and the Heaven we have in our Homes with each other and our love together and our work and service together for Him. It's really a little bit of Heaven right here and now!
David BergThere are a lot of good people going to Hell, and a lot of bad people like you and me going to Heaven!
David BergThe whole inside of the Pyramid on the ground level on the New Earth is one great Garden within the City, a great City Park!-His Heavenly Fair in His Heaven so fair!
David BergOur Heavenly bodies will be able to dematerialise, pass from dimension to dimension, walk right through walls and locked doors as Jesus did, appear and disappear at will and travel with the speed of thought!
David BergAll of the pleasures of this present physical life can be continued into the next life as well, since we will have a body which is similar to our present physical body, but so much more glorious and wonderful and supernatural. We will be able to eat, drink, be merry and have fun without ever suffering pain or sickness or weariness or death.
David BergGod just turns on all the beauty He can possibly create, and that final Heaven on Earth, the eternal one of the New Heaven and the New Earth will be the most beautiful of all and the most perfect!-The perfect government of God administered directly and in perfection in every way!
David BergPaul observed, We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out (1 Timothy 6:7). He was referring to material things, wealth. However, we will take our knowledge and experience and training from this life with us into the next life.
David BergWe're even going to have sex in Heaven! How about that? Isn't that wonderful? Love all the girls you want to and all the handsome boys you want to and love all you want to and never get tired, never be impotent, never have a headache, never get hungry, never get sleepy, no pains, no VD, no nothin' except joy and praise and Hallelujah and lots of fun with your Bridegroom and all your friends and loved ones and the Family of God, His Family of Love, His children of God in Heaven when Jesus comes!
David BergDeath is the best healing of all, so try not to worry about it. When we die, that's the final, permanent healing. Our old body finally dies and we are rid of it and free. Then we don't have any more diseases or troubles. We won't hurt anymore because we will be in our spiritual body, our new model!
David BergMy Country's trying to save the World, stop the wars, relieve the poor, feed the hungry, heal the sick and liberate the captives that are bound by countries like America!
David BergWe are going to have bodies like Jesus did after He was resurrected. Each of us is going to have a new eternal, glorified body. It will actually be constructed as we are now, of flesh and bones - but eternal flesh and bones, incorruptible, immortal flesh and bones. It's going to be material, natural, recognizable, seeable and feelable.
David BergMaybe it'll move around, who knows?-So it can minister to different parts of the World! If it can float down from Outer Space from God out of Heaven to the Earth, then it probably can still float around the Earth and hover here or there or set down here or there. After all, it's only 1500 miles square and 1500 miles high!-With God, a city like that can just float around!
David BergWe're going to be surprised when we discover that things in Heaven are normal and natural, much like this life. Of course, it will be better, much more beautiful and supernatural, without all the troubles, trials, tribulations, suffering, tears and pain we have here. However, it will still be enough like this life that we will survive the change and not suffer some sort of traumatic culture shock. It'll be life very much like we're living now, only without the bad and evil.
David BergThe Lord may want to colonise other Worlds with His new perfect children! What's the whole Universe for and all this huge amount of space if He's only interested in colonising one little Planet? What an incubation! What an incubator for other civilizations!-Right here on the New Earth and the Heavenly City!
David BergPeople moving in Heaven move with grace and beauty and slowly glide along with their feet hardly seeming to touch the ground!
David BergLife hereafter for God's children, will be an extension or an amplification, a multiplication of the joy and thrilling, exciting lives we now lead! Hell is the extension, multiplication, amplification, endless continuation of the same awful lives that the wicked people of the world lead even now! Hell is just the opposite of the ecstasies of life in Heaven for the saved and the blessed!
David BergIt's going to be so wonderful you're going to forget about all your troubles in the past! It's going to be so wonderful you're going to forget about all these things that happened before, those terrible things you've been through! Hallelujah? It will be worth it all when we see Jesus! Life's trials will seem so small, when we see Christ! One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrow will erase! So bravely run the race, 'til we see Christ!
David Berg